Thursday, September 2, 2010

Inspire.... turning nothing into something

(Inspired by Jim Rohn Weekend Seminar-Excelling in the New Millennium)

in·spire verb \in-ˈspī(-ə)r\
Definition of INSPIRE
transitive verb
a : to influence, move, or guide by divine or supernatural inspiration
b : to exert an animating, enlivening, or exalting influence on
c : to spur on : impel, motivate
d : affect

The idea, let me say that again... the “idea" of turning nothing into something, comes from just that, "ideas".


When you meet and try to conquer negativity in your life, here is the most important question: what can you do, starting now, that will make a difference? What can you do during times like we are living in today? What can you do when everything has gone wrong? What can you do when you've run out of money, when you don't feel well and you are truly, as I like to call it, “in the shit".

Let me preface this by giving you a broader, bigger, answer. We all can do the most remarkable things, no matter what people tell us. People can do incredible things, unbelievable things, despite the most impossible odds or disastrous circumstances.

Do you understand this concept? Because we are remarkable, we are capable of making a difference. We are unlike any other creation on earth.

Here is an example: When a dog starts with weeds, he winds up with weeds. The reason is because he's a dog, that's simply not true with people though. When we have weeds we work the dirt and eventually turn those weeds into gardens.

That basic premise lets us form the idea that we can turn nothing into something, pennies into fortune, and disaster into success. Most of the time we simply do not try hard enough, we don’t reach down far enough, and we just don’t set our mind to succeed. Especially as Americans, we often times have easy upbringings and simply learn to get by, by doing as little as possible, to live comfortably. We tend to get lazy, take the easy way out, look at what we don't have, and simply lose track of those dreams. I heard a quote from George Steinbrenner (Former owner of the New York Yankees) right before he past away earlier this year; Steinbrenner said “he thought everyone had 110 percent in them”. He said he tried to get to that extra 10 percent in others and himself as often as he could”. I often times think we give 50% and then wonder why we fail and fall on our faces (Myself included).

Look at your life, what you have been blessed with, and I guarantee you'll come up with some more of those remarkable human gifts. They're there, waiting to be discovered and employed.

With those gifts, you can change anything for yourself that you wish to change. Starting today, I am challenging myself, and anyone who reads this to do that because you can change it all. If you don't like how something is going for you, change it. If something isn't enough, change it. If something doesn't suit you; change it. If something doesn't please you, change it.

You don't ever have to be the same after today. If you don't like your present address, change it.

If there is one thing to get excited about, it's your ability to make yourself do the necessary things, to get a desired result, to turn the negative into success.

With all that said, are you still asking yourself how to turn nothing into something, are you asking do I really think all it takes is more effort?

Well yes…I also think you need ideas though. Think about those dreams you once had, set a goal and go get it.

I find myself now asking how tangible are your/my ideas? That is the mystery no one knows unless they put them to work. Like Rohn, I don’t think that ideas that can be turned into hotels, into an enterprises, into a new vaccine or even into some miracle product, should be called nothing but, tangibly speaking, you have nothing.

This is a very interesting concept that Jim Rohn brought to fruition in the late 90's (or maybe even before that, this is when I first started hearing this)

Think of it, ideas that become so powerful in your mind and in your consciousness that they seem real to you even before they become tangible. Ideas that are so strong, you can actually see them.

Rohn Said, ”When I built my first home for my family in Idaho years ago, before I started construction, I would take my friends and associates out to the vacant property and give them a tour of the house.”. Is that possible? I know it is becaue I watched as my parents did the exact same thing for years until they had enough to money saved to build the house of their dreams.

Rohn also asked, “Is it possible to take someone on a tour through an imaginary house?”. The answer is, Yes, of course.

My dad used to say “Here is the 3 car garage”, and remember thinking, “Yes, this garage will hold 3 cars.” He could really make it “real”.

Looking up to my dad the way I do and did as a high school kid, I remember trying to emulate him… I would bring friends out to that open lot and take them on a tour throughout the house… “Here is the fireplace, and look this whole wall is brick.” I could make it so real… “Follow me through the rest of the house” I would say. “Take a look through the window, where in the kitchen, isn’t the view great?”

So, the first step of turning nothing into something is to imagine the possibilities (you are going to hear that A LOT). Imagine All of the possibilities.

One of the reasons for seminars, sermons, status updates, blogs, lyrics from songs and testimonials of others is to give us an idea of the possibilities; to help us imagine and to see potential.

Ok, so the first step was to imagine and come up with idea’s

The second step for turning nothing into something, you must Believe that what you imagine IS possible for you.

Testimonials like, “If I can do it, you can do it.”, often become a support to our belief, And we start believing. First we imagine it’s possible. Second, we start to believe that what’s possible is possible for us.

We might also believe because of our own testimonial. Here is what your testimonial might say, “If I did it once, I can do it again. If it happened for me before, it could very well happen again.” So we believe not only the testimonials of others who say, “If I can do it, you can do it. If I can change, you can change. If I can start with nothing, you can start with nothing. If I can turn it all around, you can turn it all around.” Then we also have the support of our own testimonial, if we’ve accomplished something before. “If we did it once, we can do it again. If we did it last year, we can do it this year.” So those two things together are very powerful. Now, we do not have actual substance yet, although it is very close.

I'll repeat step one, it’s to imagine the possibilities. Step two is to imagine that what is possible, is possible for you.

Rohn often times referred to step two as– “faith to believe”.

Digest this…step one is to imagine the possibilities. Step two is to imagine that what is possible, is possible for you and have faith to believe.

To fully buy into this idea you must actually know what faith is. According to the Bible, it is the confident assurance that what we hope for is truly going to happen. It is evidence of things we can’t yet see. Faith is the substance of things hoped for. (Hebrews 11:1)

The writer said, The faith is a piece of, the substance of. He then goes on to call it evidence, substance and evidence. It is difficult to call substance and evidence nothing though. It is nothing in the sense that it cannot be seen except with your imagination or heart. You can’t get a hold of it because it isn’t yet tangible. But it is possible to turn nothing, especially ideas and imagination as long as you believe that it is now possible for you. That substance and evidence becomes so powerful that it can now be turned into reality.

The third step is to that you go to work to make it real. You go to work to make it a hotel. You go to work to make it an enterprise. You go to work and make it good health. You go to work and make it an association. You go to work and make it a good marriage. You go to work and make it a movement; you make it tangible. You make it viable. You breathe life into it and then you construct it with all you have. It isn’t easy, its not supposed to be, it isn’t a one day sprint, it’s a journey that takes 110 percent effort.

Imagine the possibilities, write down your ideas, set your goals, and work your ass off. Make it worth it, make it happen, get inspired and do it.

Out… Cundiff

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