Hollywood and the media wants to keep Americans distracted from what is happening in this country and around the world (some people still actually think Obama is doing a great job). The thing is, Hollywood is going to continue to make any kind of show that brings in sponsors and money. If they think reality shows will make money for them, and they have the sponsors backing, they will continue producing the show.
TV in general is so sloppy. I honestly feel like all I see on TV is negative messages and people acting like total a-holes.
I am willing to bet that Americans could tell you more about what happened on last airing of The Jersey Shore than what their own spouses day was like. This is bad for marriage and relationships and could be why we are seeing a climbing divorce rate. Is that a surprise though...reality shows being bad for marriage? I can use any number of examples to prove this point..."Jersey Shore", "Kate Plus 8", "Keeping up with the Kardashians", "The Real World", "The Real House Wives of Where Ever They Want to be From", "Basketball Wives", "Bad Girls Club" etc... I can go on and on.
It’s sad that people would rather sit on their fat asses and watch crap television than say, keep their own houses clean, work with their kids on homework, go outside and play catch with thier son or daughter, sit and talk about their day (positive and negative) with their loved ones, go to the gym and stay fit (see my fat America post), etc...
All these shows depict a false sense of the real wold. We still watch, get wrapped up in the drama, develop our own alliances toward certain characters, and even get mad when people act like idiots (the very reason they are on reality TV). We see affairs, false advertising, dream homes that people are living in for free, and most importantly people with no talent and little to lose, being praised for being nobodies.
The common theme in these shows are that the members act like an idiots, cheat on their spouses, stab their friends in the back and people watch. I personally don't think its funny or entertaining in the smallest way. Cheating and constant lying, girls acting like they are “bad girls”, drug addicts going through rehab, a divorced woman, who now has 8 kids with no father figure around, millionaires who have no sense of the real world, girls acting like total whores, people taking advantage of the system, and the worst one… fat people trying to lose weight (this is the worst one because it’s usually fat people watching the show, they should turn off the tube and get to a treadmill), it all makes me sick...people see this so much they actually think this is normal or ok... Im here to tell you, It's not...If anything, its sad
Actually TV in general has become a shell of what it once was. No matter what station I turn on, its shit TV: CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, ESPN, ABC, NBC… the list goes on.
CNN and MSNBC are a joke…all you get is left wing garbage from the liberal media portraying Obama this great president while still playing the old blame Bush card. Building false ideas of less taxes and that the elite is all about helping the middle class. They go on and on about big government is better and how they want this Utopia... of which, is so far from what America is supposed to be, that it makes me want to puke (WE ARE NOT EUROPE PEOPLE). I don’t want to hear it anymore.
Then you have Fox News, which is not much better but, it is better. At least you can sift through the bull and take something away. The thing is, Fox News leans right and it’s getting worse year after year. I don't care to hear Sean Hannity act like a little girl and whine about Obama for an hour every night. I don't want to hear anyone talk about helping the middle class because NO ONE really does.
Then you have Fox News, which is not much better but, it is better. At least you can sift through the bull and take something away. The thing is, Fox News leans right and it’s getting worse year after year. I don't care to hear Sean Hannity act like a little girl and whine about Obama for an hour every night. I don't want to hear anyone talk about helping the middle class because NO ONE really does.
I can’t even get accurate news because every station that reports anything leans so far one way or the other that all you get is depressing, negative, jumbled up shit.

Sitcoms are probably one of the main reasons reality TV has taken off the way it has. I don’t remember the last show that has been on regular TV that I have even watched. Let’s face it, when shows like Lost are the topping the ratings, and are the talk of prime time TV, you know sitcoms have fallen far.
The only station that even have series worth watching is HBO, which you have to pay more for (and I’m sure there are plenty of people who have issues with those too, given the adult content).
Quick Story:
The other day I told my wife that I was sick of TV and I wanted to cancel our cable to save 200 bucks. (mainly to see her reaction). You should have seen her face and heard her throw a fit… The fact that she may have to miss Spencer Pratt act like a total jerk, miss Ronnie cheating on Sammy (or whatever the hell her name is) was not an option. She probably had a bigger reaction to this than when the Trade Center was attacked (whats that say about the state of America).
The thing is, her reaction to me saying "we do not need cable anymore" is the same one my dad would have, the same one my brother would have, the same one that 90% of America would have…and that’s sad.
I honestly think that if we spent as much time working with our kids teaching them values, working on ourselves (our fitness), and working on our relationships (being better husbands and wives) as we do working on TV and reality TV we would be a lot better off for it.
Out... Cundiff
Thanks for the love