A poll just came out showing that 84% of Europeans approval of Obama compared to only about 49% of Americans do right now (I’m talking about general approval rating). Ask yourself, how could poll numbers from America be so different from Europe? Well maybe more importantly you should ask yourself, what are the differences are between America and Europe...
What's the difference?
There are two major differences... and they are two very big differences.
First, you have to remember that about 40% of Europeans voted for a Communist government. You have huge left wing following in countries across europe.
Secondly, there is long-term universal antipathy to America and a feeling that Obama is somehow taming it. Europeans think that somehow Obama is not the cowboy that they seem to think Bush was.
More important than those... they have skin in the game, they have their own self interests in play. These countries all have very generous work rules, benefits, vacations, raises and pensions. In France right now they're going crazy trying to raise the retirement age from 60 to 62 and there are riots in the streets. Europeans want to preserve those benefits and as long as the United Sates is a free willing capitalist country with a free market economy they can't because the capitol will leave Europe and come to America.
When Obama proposes socialist type programs in the United States, Europeans wet their pants... the reason... they know that they can then get away with them in their own countries.
It’s all entitlement based, the idea was put into motion by France in 1981 when they nationalized everything. The problem with their Socialistic idea is that all the capitol then flowed to Britain and then America.
Once that happened, they realized that you can not just have Socialism in one country because, the capital all leaves. So they made the European Common Market into the European Union to have uniform work rules, tax structure, and stuff like that so it wouldn't flow to Britain if they kept the entitlements, but, it still came here to the United States...now, Obama is bring America into "line".
If you are a European--and you can't understand why the United States is the way it is--remember that we are country largely made up of people who are descendants of people who Left Europe, often for good reasons.
And while the track record of Europe as a whole isn't too bad for the last 20 years or so, if you go back farther than that, it starts looking a lot less rosy than it does today. Go back to within living memory... Europe starts looking like a place to avoid at all costs.
For current Europeans, most are living in "blissful ignorance"...Europeans claim to be happier than Americans.
Europeans can indeed be happy, all I am saying is that many Europeans are not aware of the limited freedom they have due to the system they live under and as long as they are on "the dole", they feel happy...thus the state of blissful ignorance.
They are very unaware that they have no real economic liberty under the socialist style system. They may have their universal healthcare etc..but, don't get it twisted, they do not have the liberties Americans have.
America is about the individual or at least it was intended to be and most people still feel that way. Socialism can not compete with Capitalism, period. America really is that last bastion of TRUE freedom in the world and we are losing it fast under our current leadership. Obama is seen in Europe as wrestling our country into line, so he is popular there. Luckily Americans have awakened and we are now voicing our opinions.
True freedom is what is needed, I do think we should have some limited programs for those left behind but, the problem is most people who are poor are that way because of their own making. Sure, if you are born poor you cant help that, however, if you go to school and work hard or even just work hard, you can make your way... plenty have done it in America(thats why we have so many illegal aliens here as well). The problem is that the welfare state kills motivation, people get lazy, accept being defeated, develop hatred, an attitude, and have no respect for what they have (because they didn't have to work for it...it was given to them). The other problem is that they make poor choices and have children they are not equipped to support in any way... they end up living off government programs aka tax money. Why should a productive member of society such as myself pay for these people? Its an ongoing problem, and I'm sick of getting things taken away and having them given to others who didn't earn it.
Now, as said before and as I have always believed, we should have a light safety net to help people get back on their feet when in hard times but, no nanny state, cradle to grave system, as some want in the US. This would spell our downfall for sure.
America is currently on that road. We are unlike in any Nation in the world but, we are slowly trying to be swayed...it will be gradual, not immediate. Americans would never stand for sudden change. Luckily, most of us are wise to what is going on now, so after November and 2012, we will put a stop to this nonsense.
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