About Robert Cundiff

My Testimony:
I grew up in a family that put some emphasis on church but, IMO failedto give me any real concrete reasons why they or I was that particular religious affiliation (and saying tradition doesn’t count).  I am willing to bet 95% of my friends are in this same boat. At the requestof my mother, I attended St.Victor’s church.  I went through CCD and ran through the gambit of “sacraments” yes… communion, reconciliation, and confirmation… really the whole nine yards (this is ironic becauseI am really the only one in my family to do this).  Occasionally I went to church while in high school, basically because I knew it was important to my mom. I sang the songs, I read the verses, I listened to the Priest, who I was always strangely intimidated by (hold the jokes please), I smiled polite smiles at the people there....but my heart couldn't have been further away from where it appeared to be.  I was lost with God and Church.

It wasn't really until I was in my late 20’s when I got curious about God and religious affiliations that I started asking questions… a lot of them...  Things were not adding up until a very close friend of mine who shall remain nameless asked me about my faith... he then explained what “Grace” is and what it actually meant… it hit me in a way that is unexplainable (the funny thing is I really thought that I was going to Heaven because I was a good person and tried to do good things).  He also went into detail about a special relationship that he had-- a relationship in which he had never been let down by.... one that he had never been hurt by… one that was a constant in his life-- It was is relationship with God.  I wanted that and I needed that in my life (we all do right)… You see, stemming from one random casual conversation that probably meant nothing to him, gave me the  understanding that Jesus Christ brutally died for My sins (and yours)… and in that single moment I was saved.  My life forever changed.  I mean how awesome is that?  In one single casual conversation I went from thinking that good deeds and being a good person was leading me to heaven… to knowing Christ died for me and being saved.  From that day, I made a decision to follow Jesus Christ and I can tell you, I am 100% better off for it.

Truth be told once that happened, I was pretty nervous to share my newfound faith as I knew it wouldn't be accepted by some of my family and most of my friends.  Regardless, I began going to church, attending a bible study, and telling my family and friends – my closest friends - about my experience.  And sure enough, they thought I was crazy (especially my parents).  Some of them made fun of me - some to my face and some behind my back.  I don't think they knew how much it hurt me, but man...it did.

Over time it has became easier to tell people that I am a believer in Christ.  And to be honest those friends that don’t support me are really not as close as they once were… and I am ok with that.  I can honestly say I am better off for that… I am closer to my wife, closer to my family… and I know God is with me… I can honestly say I know in my heart I am going to heaven through Grace and that is a great feeling!

Being a “New Christian” is probably the single most significant event other than getting married or watching my two kids come into the world that has happened to me…