Monday, September 13, 2010

P90X Plyo-Tuesdays...

OK, let me give you a classic "UUU" (thats triple U).  A classic "UUU" is the guy who says:

I'm sure most of you have heard of P90X, well last week I decided to put the "Plyo-X" portion of P90X into my weekly workout routine.  I hate doing legs at the gym but, understand that working out your Legs maybe the single most important set of muscles to actually work on (for a number of reasons).  

"I've got a case of the Mondays"... "A case of the...Monday".

Listen, nobody wants to hear that, nobody cares. It's kind of like that guy at work, that when you ask him "Hey, hows it going?", he replies.. "ehh, it's Monday"(in some whiny ass voice). 

Yeah, we know it is, and yesterday was Sunday and tomorrow is Tuesday, I get that.  Nobody likes that but, I am going to have to be real here because, for the next 120 or so days, Im going to have to fight off a case of the... "Tuesdays".


I never have had a problem with Tuesday before last Tuesday.
I do now, you see, Tuesday is no long just Tuesday's now "Plyo Tuesday".  I got through the P90X Plyo work out you all know there is sponsorship around the program...

This is not a paid announcement, this is not an infomercial, I'm just finding out now, that I'm back into working out, how many people have gone through the program, and what an impact it has had.  This is not a paid promotional write-up.  

With that said...

There are so many people who have done P90X, I think that this is relatable...I got through that work out yesterday, BARLEY.  
I mean I think I "brought it"...

If being doubled over with my hands on my knees, scrambling for the pause button is "bringing it", then yes, "I brought it".  

You know how you know?  

How do you know when that Plyo-X is going to beat your ASS?  It's in Dr. Horton's intro... normally Dr. Horton, Tony Horton, is very optimistic, he's encouraging, he's inspiring, he picks you up, he pumps you up, he keeps you going.  I mean the guys a guru, he's almost mentor like, normally he's that guy.  

Not here...Not before the Plyo workout.  He just keeps it real, he levels with you... This is what he says at the very beginning and, this is not what I want to hear before I have to do these exercises.

"Get your little bucket near by my friends, this routine is X-City"

Hey Doc, why do I need a bucket?  Am I going to have to suave the deck when I'm done? Do I have to clean something up?  Why do I need a bucket?  What do you mean, I need a bucket?

Yeah the guy that is going to work me out for the next 56 minutes is telling me I am going to need something to yack into.  

That got my attention real fast...I mean this one isn't going to be easy is it?

It's funny because I don't remember seeing "Chunder Bucket" listed as the necessary equipment for Plyo.

They always let you know before the program begins, they tell you what your going to doesn't say it in the book, it didn't say it on the dvd.  It said very clearly: heart rate monitor, matt, stool or chair, water, and a towel.  It did not say throw up bucket.  

I can't wait to be half way through a set of jumping knee tucks.

Im trying to "bring it", I'm trying to stay with Tony, I don't want to hit the pause button because I don't want that clock to stop...I'm trying to "do my best and forget the rest" when right in the middle of that set.... Blahhh...I guess that's one way to burn calories.

Usually there is a carrot, that thing you try to work towards...

For me it's the rock star hops...they're actually pretty exhausting and not as fun as they look, but, at least there is a a Pete Townsend reference and some simulated Baba O'Reley in the background.

Wow man, is Roger Doltrey and Pete back there?  Are the fella's back there Tony?

Its close, but it's simulated.... I mean he could have went with "Teenage Wasteland".

He could have picked anybody to go with that windmill rock-star hop.  One of the best songs ever, Dolt's gotta be a closet "Who" fan right?

Although, Townsend has the best windmill ever...

Let me tell you something, if Townsend tried even one set of these, he would drop dead, I mean he is 60!

My thing is, if I had a heart-attack and croaked right there on the spot, at least I would go out to a cool song.  I have never looked forward to a work out the way I am looking forward to a workout today, because its not PLYO.  Because at the beginning of Plyo I am keeping up with Dr. Orton move for move but, by the end, I can barely keep up with "Pam the Blam"... and trust me, I'm modifying like she was.  

I'm trying to put the"X"in P90X, but I end up putting the "M" in Modification.

Tough man, but it feels good to be done.  Definitely feel like I accomplished something.

So anyway, I'm not going to beat you over the head with this everyday but, there is somthing about that Tuesday Plyo.  I had to get this out there...and I knew it, I just knew it was going to be an issue when the Doc told me to get a bucket at the start.

It's so great that I have 6 more days before I have to do that again.  

And you know what, I dont even want to listen to "The Who" anymore... I used to love "The Who"...  

I hate it when they ruin your favorite rock band for you... 

Westerberg screwing up my day, Doc Tony Horton playing "The Who" on Plyo Tuesday...

I mean, music is like our escape, thats what we do to get away from everything else... Don't ruin the good stuff.


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