We hear it everyday, “Oh My Aching Back”, and yet we think of “Maybe I lifted too much”, or “I’ve always had a weak back.” How often do we think to ourselves, it must be coming from somewhere else. Just walking down the hall, it is easy to see the picture frame out of kilter. Looking outside we quickly notice that fence that is leaning or sidewalk that is bowed. The answer to these problems seem simple enough. Correct the base and the rest of it straightens out.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Myth or Reality, Craps and the Controlled Dice Shooter…
I don't know any secret handshakes, I don't have a Captain Crunch decoder ring, nor am I a lifetime chapter-member of the Fraternal Order of the Free Masons (yet at least). But I can recognize a Precision Shooter who is likely to win me some money (props to "Iorn Wig" on youtube). I am getting good at venturing into casinos that have craps, walking up to their tables, and in a fairly short amount of time determine if any of the players there are more than likely to help me win. Oh sure, I can wait and hope and pray that someone will have a hot hand but odds are I will be missing out riding their wave of luck. See most pro will tell you that they can't make a living off of luck alone, especially in a negative-expectation game like craps. I look for a particular type of craps player who takes the game seriously, and who has added a weapon to his arsenal that just might give him that slight edge against the casino. You can call it Rhythmic Rolling, or you can call it De-Randomizing the dice. I call it an opportunity to make money!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Slept Late, relaxed long...
As I woke up this morning around 4:55 am, I felt a bit guilty for wasting the little time I actually had in bed. As I thought a little deeper into this though, I realized that I was going to change it up, lay in bed and reflect for as long as I needed. Typically I jump out of bed to start my long, tedious day...I would have went to the gym, showered, washed up quickly, and got to work, hopefully no later than 7:15 am.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
21 Ways to be a good Democrat...
I saw this online and thought it was funny but also... eerily true
1. You have to be against capital punishment, but support abortion on demand.
2. You have to believe that businesses create oppression and governments create prosperity.
3. You have to believe that guns in the hands of law-abiding Americans are more of a threat than U.S. Nuclear weapons technology in the hands of Chinese and North Korean communists.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
49% Vs. 84%, America and Europe...
A poll just came out showing that 84% of Europeans approval of Obama compared to only about 49% of Americans do right now (I’m talking about general approval rating). Ask yourself, how could poll numbers from America be so different from Europe? Well maybe more importantly you should ask yourself, what are the differences are between America and Europe...
What's the difference?
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Are We Under Threat from the Muslim World...
Imam Feisal Rauf is in the news again, warning America that violence may break out if the ground zero mosque is not built.

Well that sounds ominous doesn't it? I'm not even sure that Feisal meant to threaten us but, the warning he is broadcasting could be a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Already Anti-American muslim agitators have gathered up folks in Afghanistan, people who actually have no clue on what this controversy is even about... How do I know that? Well many Afghans can't read, many do not have electricity... the delivery of news in that country come from propaganda.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Chicago... Guns, The Game, and The Soul of a City
Is Heaven Still a Playground?
Chicago Basketball has always been the sport of two seasons: winter and summer. Winter is when money is made (NBA, NCAA, etc.); summer is when legends are made.
Every summer in most urban areas around the country, the game rediscovers itself. Resurrects itself. On concrete.
This summer...Different. Including in a city that claims as many -- maybe more -- street basketball legends than any place in the world.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Scivation Xtend Review...
Xtend is a blend of Energy Aminos consisting of the proven 2:1:1 ratio of Branched Chain Amino Acids, Glutamine, Citrulline Malate, and Vitamin B6 that will give you the energy you need to maximize your training while enhancing recovery at the same time. The components in Xtend have been proven to help in all aspects of training.
I was introduced to Xtend a few months back...it was referred to me by a close friend who I hold in the highest regard to fitness and product knowledge.
Monday, September 13, 2010
P90X Plyo-Tuesdays...
OK, let me give you a classic "UUU" (thats triple U). A classic "UUU" is the guy who says:
I'm sure most of you have heard of P90X, well last week I decided to put the "Plyo-X" portion of P90X into my weekly workout routine. I hate doing legs at the gym but, understand that working out your Legs maybe the single most important set of muscles to actually work on (for a number of reasons).
"I've got a case of the Mondays"... "A case of the...Monday".
Listen, nobody wants to hear that, nobody cares. It's kind of like that guy at work, that when you ask him "Hey, hows it going?", he replies.. "ehh, it's Monday"(in some whiny ass voice).
Yeah, we know it is, and yesterday was Sunday and tomorrow is Tuesday, I get that. Nobody likes that but, I am going to have to be real here because, for the next 120 or so days, Im going to have to fight off a case of the... "Tuesdays".
Saturday, September 11, 2010
9/11 Remembered...
Has there ever been a time in your life when you remember exactly where you were, what you were doing, and what you were thinking?
September 11th will always be one of those days for me...I was away at school just leaving the house to get to class. Everything seemed normal, and up until that point everything was normal...cool, clear, autumn day, with blue skies. I remember the exact minute I walked into the building that my class was in...silence. Five teachers were gathered around talking..."What the hell is going on?" I heard one of them say...At that time I was clueless to what had just happened, but in only a matter of minutes I would find out.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Rebels with out a cause... A look at the 1990 UNLV Running Rebels
Time has the tendency to fly by. If your eyes stutter-step, you miss a day. Fall asleep, you miss a month. Get caught up in work, you miss a year. This point was hammered home today, when I got a message from my boy that read this: “Your blogs would carry a lot more weight with me if they focused on: And 1 Mixtapes, High School Basketball All-Star Games, and Classic College Hoops…it's like I don't even know who you are anymore!”
As I read that, I realized it has been just about 20 years since the UNLV Runnin’ Rebels ruled the world, and were owners of an NCAA Championship. That means it’s been 20 years since Houston’s own Larry Johnson, Greg “The Mouth” Anthony, Anderson Hunt, and Stacey “Plastic Man” Augmon held court on the Strip like it was never held before and hasn’t been since.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Looking for Tyler Durden...
It’s 7am, I’m laying wide awake in my bed, I flip through the channels looking for something worth watching…Fight Club (perfect I thought).
Fight Club is still one my favorite movies of all time, for a number of reasons… I remember being a freshman at FSU watching this for the first time. I didn’t care about the underlying themes of this movie, all I cared about was the fighting scenes. The idea of a “fight club” was amazing to me (isn’t that what most testosterone filled college freshman would think?). The thing is, this movie is about so much more than just fighting, a “fraternity or club”, and even middle aged men who join simply to beat the shit out of one another. For a younger person though, I can see how it may even be difficult to grasp the complexity and sub-themes of this movie.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
TV equals Mediocrity... It's Sad
I am honestly tired of television... I'm sick of hearing about the buzz around reality TV shows and the programs that the Main Stream Media puts out for us to watch. For the most part I have stopped watching television (except for football games, lol) because most of the shows are honestly pointless, stupid, and are designed to keep Americans dumbed down. America has taken the bait and run with it.
Hollywood and the media wants to keep Americans distracted from what is happening in this country and around the world (some people still actually think Obama is doing a great job). The thing is, Hollywood is going to continue to make any kind of show that brings in sponsors and money. If they think reality shows will make money for them, and they have the sponsors backing, they will continue producing the show.
Turning points in life, darkness and betrayal to complete enlightenment...
It was 2005, I was only 25 then, I remember this particular year for a vast number of reasons. My collegiate basketball career had ended (more quickly than I would have liked it to) and it was time to get a “real” job. Playing highly competitive spots growing up, the school year and summer was decided to working hard in sports from the time I was 8 or 9, there was simply no time for a job, only sports (I wouldn’t change if I could). I’m sure I don’t have to express how much I was not looking forward to the idea of actually working.
For several years leading up to that particular year I found myself loving the freedom that escapes you when you are living at home with your parents (not that it is their fault). I think being out of the house generally gives everyone a feeling of freedom and empowerment.
Love, trust, and loyalty were the three core values that defined me at that point in my life, slowly though through the trials and tribulations of life, those values were being over taken by patterns of fear, hurt, anger, unworthiness and isolation… Those all steamed from a web page that I was certainly not supposed to see. I never knew that one very small statement, meaningless to millions of other people, could have had such a profound effect on my life:
It was 2005, I was only 25 then, I remember this particular year for a vast number of reasons. My collegiate basketball career had ended (more quickly than I would have liked it to) and it was time to get a “real” job. Playing highly competitive spots growing up, the school year and summer was decided to working hard in sports from the time I was 8 or 9, there was simply no time for a job, only sports (I wouldn’t change if I could). I’m sure I don’t have to express how much I was not looking forward to the idea of actually working.
For several years leading up to that particular year I found myself loving the freedom that escapes you when you are living at home with your parents (not that it is their fault). I think being out of the house generally gives everyone a feeling of freedom and empowerment.
Love, trust, and loyalty were the three core values that defined me at that point in my life, slowly though through the trials and tribulations of life, those values were being over taken by patterns of fear, hurt, anger, unworthiness and isolation… Those all steamed from a web page that I was certainly not supposed to see. I never knew that one very small statement, meaningless to millions of other people, could have had such a profound effect on my life:
Friday, September 3, 2010
Fat America...

Good news for the good old Red, White, and Blue! While the economy is taking a shit (Boy, did Obama’s recovery summer work out great or what?), we are still in a recession, jobs are being lost, and foreign affairs are a bigger mess than ever. We, the United States of America are getting better at something though! We are getting stronger, well, kind of,... we are getting FATTER. Don’t worry, all is not lost… we still dominate one thing in the world… and that is being FAT.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Inspire.... turning nothing into something
(Inspired by Jim Rohn Weekend Seminar-Excelling in the New Millennium)
in·spire verb \in-ˈspī(-ə)r\
Definition of INSPIRE
transitive verb
a : to influence, move, or guide by divine or supernatural inspiration
b : to exert an animating, enlivening, or exalting influence on
c : to spur on : impel, motivate
d : affect
The idea, let me say that again... the “idea" of turning nothing into something, comes from just that, "ideas".
in·spire verb \in-ˈspī(-ə)r\
Definition of INSPIRE
transitive verb
a : to influence, move, or guide by divine or supernatural inspiration
b : to exert an animating, enlivening, or exalting influence on
c : to spur on : impel, motivate
d : affect
The idea, let me say that again... the “idea" of turning nothing into something, comes from just that, "ideas".
Ode To Chicago...
“Chicago, there is a resilience that rises from somewhere deep in your streets.
You can’t define it but, you can feel it.
You can feel it overflowing from the people who call you home.
The people who will always proudly declare,
"I'm from Chicago",
you took our country from infancy into industry
and your name still carries with it the idea of a nation built on steel, muscle, and sweat.
You became the city that carried a country, the city, like the sport, is built on dreams.
People who arrived here driven to excel, who know that nothing is accomplished without hard work and without sacrifice.
When you hurt we hurt
Your streets witness our struggle, your bricks show our rage, through the emptiness of each house shuttered, of each factory closed.
We've lived through the ups and the downs and we remain..... Chicago.
We can never turn our backs on you Chicago because we are you, my home, the home of Michigan Avenue ,The Bears, and Al Capone...
Through all this, we can not be defeated because we have never been defeated, you've built us, you've moved us, you've shaped us,
sometimes down but never out, take strength in us, your people...
Out... Cundiff
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