Day 4 of #CodeOrangeRevival was hosted by Christine Caine! She was one of the best speakers I have heard and her testimony alone was worth the viewing... Wow... Christine Caine's message was amazing and to cover it all will be a little difficult for me to do in a blog post (you seriously need to hear her and listen to her testimony). With that said, I'm going to give it a shot!
Christine Caine is a follower of Jesus who happens to be an Aussie wife and mom. She is one of the most passionate and energetic people I've ever heard preach! She teaches God's Word all over the globe and when I say "all over" that is exactly what I mean. In the course of one month, she may very literally be in four or five different countries to share the gospel.

Christine's message really stirred something in me! It was inspiring and convicting....
There were really two basic points in her message:
- There is nothing that our God cannot do!
- God doesn’t believe in Expiration dates”
All of the promises of God are in Him. God cares about the details in your life. Ask yourself, "When was the last time you believed in God"... "When was the last time you trusted Him, with everything?"
- What is impossible with man is possible for God!!
- God is still the God that parts the Red Sea, That tears down walls, That makes a way!
Christine talked about the story of Abraham & Sarah (here is a quick history lesson for you guys)... Abraham and Sarah his wife were passed child bearing age but, God had promised them a son. They put a due date on this and Sarah told Abraham to take her handmaid, Hagar and sire a son by her, which Abraham did. The son so produced was named Ishmael (Islam Muslim Faith) but, he was not the promised Son. In time, Sarah did conceive and bear a son, Issac (Christian Faith), which was the promised son. Sarah became jealous of Hagar and asked Abraham to get rid of his and her son. Issac was to father Jacob and Jacob was to father twelve sons, some of these to were by handmaids. These twelve sons were the twelve patriarchs, siring the twelve tribes of Israel or the nation of Israel. However, Ishmael also sired twelve sons that became large tribes, these eventually became the enemy of Israel as Ishmael said he was the promised son. Look at what can happen by putting a "due date" onto a promise from God... The conceques of this one action are still affecting our world today. I dont know about you but, for me, that is some serious stuff.
- Never shrink God down to your own experiences.
- Don't confuse our due date with God’s appointed time.
God promises are never expired, YOU are the one that puts expiration dates on the promise, God doesn’t see your promise as an expiration date... If what you’re seeing is all you see…believe that is there is a lot more to be seen.
She went onto talk about forgiveness and give her testimony which was so amazing... I was grasping at every word of it and it gave me a sense of appreciation, conviction, and REVIVAL!!
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