#CodeOrangeRevival is winding down here... As we approach Day 9 (its now over) I can honestly say that this event has been amazing. My family has come together, my relationship with Christ is stronger than ever, and I have honestly just gotten over it all... all the nonsense that you would expect from people in life, just not those you care for. Not that #Codeorangerevival has anything to directly do with this but, strangely, all i see and hear are haters... I mean seriously... friends of mine... bloggers.... I can go on and on.... All hateing on God, Elevation Church, Just everything really... the whole thing is f-in redic.
I often times want so bad to tell people... remember the filthy rags! Most of you have no clue what the means and I'll just keep it that way. Remember there is Jesus and then everyone else... PERIOD. Stop judging, hateing, and trying to give your approval on something I nor my church seeks.
Now onto Night 9.... Kevin Gerald was the speaker of the night. He is known for a ministry that imparts practical Biblical principles that equip people to live successful Christian lives, Kevin and Sheila Gerald are the Founders and Pastors of Champions Centre (Tacoma and Bellevue, Washington), one of the largest congregations in the Pacific Northwest.

Kevins message started with:
Galatians 4:8-9 & 19 Before you Gentiles knew God, you were slaves to so-called gods that do not even exist. So now that you know God (or should I say, now that God knows you), why do you want to go back again and become slaves once more to the weak and useless spiritual principles of this world?
Oh, my dear children! I feel as if I’m going through labor pains for you again, and they will continue until Christ is fully developed in your lives.
He made some crucial points in his message... my take aways were:
- Be patient with me, God’s not done with me yet

Kevin also talked about the importnace of knowing that sometimes what we want to do is not what we are supposed to do. I can tell you that this is 100% true. Thank God for my parents teaching me this when I was 5.(or maybe younger)
He went on to talk about salvation not being limited from sin... Understand that is real talk. Even though you are saved doesn't mean you are perfect or will not commit sins... I hate hearing people who are saved say that they are always going to be free from sin or think its not going to happen... And when it does... act like the world is going to end. Seriously?? I want to say get over it... Jesus has:)!!! HA.
Just as I said above, Kevin explains it is a process and Jesus positions us in a place of strength, to produce new and better experiences for our life. He stresses that the path you are on is not the path that you were on.... think about that please!
He says "Always remember that God has greater things for us!"
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.
- God has a great plan for our future.
- If we’re going to experience the will of God, we have to partner with God every day.
- Our greatest power is our power to choose.
- The nature and quality of our life comes from within us.
- Proverbs 4
- Matthew 12:35
- Philippians 2:13
Kevin asked these questins taht are intresting.... these are the forces that form your future. (How different would my life be if…)
- My seeds were sown different?
- My beliefs had been different?
- My relationships had been different?
- My habits had been different?
- My dreams had been different?
- My thoughts had been different?
- My feelings had been different?
- My personal values had been different?
- My words had been different?
- My believing is effecting what I’m receiving.
Someone else’s attitude could be your attitude... dont we see this everyday? Most people underestimate the effects that relationships can have on our lives. Say goodbye to the people that should not be in your life, and say hello to the people that God wants in your life Positive cannot hang with negative. Get the positive people to hang around your life, and keep pressing forward with positive.

Recap: God has a great plan for our future.
- Do more than have emotion, have devotion
- You’ve gotta clear the way for God assigned connections to come into your life.
- Greater things are coming!
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