Thursday, January 26, 2012

Code Orange Revival Day 9

#CodeOrangeRevival is winding down here... As we approach Day 9 (its now over) I can honestly say that this event has been amazing. My family has come together, my relationship with Christ is stronger than ever, and I have honestly just gotten over it all... all the nonsense that you would expect from people in life, just not those you care for. Not that #Codeorangerevival has anything to directly do with this but, strangely, all i see and hear are haters... I mean seriously... friends of mine... bloggers.... I can go on and on.... All hateing on God, Elevation Church, Just everything really... the whole thing is f-in redic.

I often times want so bad to tell people... remember the filthy rags! Most of you have no clue what the means and I'll just keep it that way. Remember there is Jesus and then everyone else... PERIOD. Stop judging, hateing, and trying to give your approval on something I nor my church seeks.

Now onto Night 9.... Kevin Gerald was the speaker of the night. He is known for a ministry that imparts practical Biblical principles that equip people to live successful Christian lives, Kevin and Sheila Gerald are the Founders and Pastors of Champions Centre (Tacoma and Bellevue, Washington), one of the largest congregations in the Pacific Northwest.

Kevins message started with:

Galatians 4:8-9 & 19 Before you Gentiles knew God, you were slaves to so-called gods that do not even exist. So now that you know God (or should I say, now that God knows you), why do you want to go back again and become slaves once more to the weak and useless spiritual principles of this world?

Oh, my dear children! I feel as if I’m going through labor pains for you again, and they will continue until Christ is fully developed in your lives.

He made some crucial points in his message... my take aways were:

  • Be patient with me, God’s not done with me yet
Kevin then went on to say “Behind every great man, there is a greater woman”... amazing how one woman in a mans life can be his greatest prize or biggest down fall...

Kevin also talked about the importnace of knowing that sometimes what we want to do is not what we are supposed to do. I can tell you that this is 100% true. Thank God for my parents teaching me this when I was 5.(or maybe younger)

He went on to talk about salvation not being limited from sin... Understand that is real talk. Even though you are saved doesn't mean you are perfect or will not commit sins... I hate hearing people who are saved say that they are always going to be free from sin or think its not going to happen... And when it does... act like the world is going to end. Seriously?? I want to say get over it... Jesus has:)!!! HA.

Just as I said above, Kevin explains it is a process and Jesus positions us in a place of strength, to produce new and better experiences for our life. He stresses that the path you are on is not the path that you were on.... think about that please!

He says "Always remember that God has greater things for us!"

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

  • God has a great plan for our future.
The best days are ahead of us, not behind us! When you expect great things from God, and attempt great things for God! Those things usually comes though in some way shape or form! We should remember that our job is to keep encouraging people to attempt great things for God... and that isnt always easy. Church is God’s idea, not man’s.

  • If we’re going to experience the will of God, we have to partner with God every day.
Thats our relationship! We got to follow Jesus’ example. God willed that we would will for His Will to be done in our lives. We cannot without God, and God will not without us. We try to push things in front of Gods face, but trust Him with the secret things, but he wants to trust you with the things revealed.
  • Our greatest power is our power to choose.
  • The nature and quality of our life comes from within us.
    • Proverbs 4
    • Matthew 12:35
    • Philippians 2:13
Our nature comes from within us. What is the “Set of the Sail” in your heart? Where do you want your heart to go? Stay the course! God has greater things in mind. Good intentions alone are not efficient or sufficient to equip us to hit the target of God. The right in your heart will not correct the wrong in your head.

Kevin asked these questins taht are intresting.... these are the forces that form your future. (How different would my life be if…)
  • My seeds were sown different?
  • My beliefs had been different?
  • My relationships had been different?
  • My habits had been different?
  • My dreams had been different?
  • My thoughts had been different?
  • My feelings had been different?
  • My personal values had been different?
  • My words had been different?
  • My believing is effecting what I’m receiving.
Don’t undervalue the value that God places on us. Don’t try to make me think small of myself. I am a child of God, created in His image! Just because someone is good to you, doesn’t mean they are good for you. (1 Corinthians 5:23)

Someone else’s attitude could be your attitude... dont we see this everyday? Most people underestimate the effects that relationships can have on our lives. Say goodbye to the people that should not be in your life, and say hello to the people that God wants in your life Positive cannot hang with negative. Get the positive people to hang around your life, and keep pressing forward with positive.

Recap: God has a great plan for our future.

  • Do more than have emotion, have devotion
  • You’ve gotta clear the way for God assigned connections to come into your life.
  • Greater things are coming!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Code Orange Revival Day 8

Wednesday night, orange is everywhere. Staff is wearing Team Jesus jersey's.... Volenteers wander through the crowd painting orange replicas of Elevation's insignia on the cheeks of the waiting little ones.

"There you go, girls," they tell two tiny blond clients. "All beautiful for Jesus."....

So this is what tailgating for the soul looks like?

Lawn chairs and space heaters. Cornhole boards and coolers. Footballs and beanbags. And long lines stretching down the grass medians and both sides of Elevation Church.

"This is history... In 2012, just look at how many people are tailgating for hours to hear The Word!" (over 10,000)

I wounder how many people could actually imagine this?  This is one of the reasons I love Elevation Church

Onto the recap

As a large digital clock counts down, the big screen above the sanctuary offers a stream of incoming tweets (#codeorangerevival).
  • I want to Tebow on the stage.
  • What would Jesus tweet?
  • If you live ANYWHERE in the country and can get to Charlotte, get here before it ends.

Boom, Day 8 kicks off and I could tell Stovall Weems was going to give an intense message... I dont know if I thought that based off his look, the laser focus he went onto stage with, or if it was that fact that when Stovall was introduced and he started telling his story...I actually heard MY story!  With that said,  it was another great sermon and even though I dont know Mr. Weems by the time he wrapped up, I felt like it did!

Stovall Weems is the founder and lead pastor of Celebration Church in Jacksonville, Florida.

Celebration Church is a global, diverse, multisite church that reaches people from all walks of life. Since it began with just seven people in 1998, the church has grown both regionally and internationally to twelve locations with over ten thousand people in weekend attendance.  Stovall is noted for his energetic, engaging and practical communication style. As pastor, teacher, and conference speaker, his ministry focuses on building the local church, reaching people with the gospel, and developing passionate followers of Christ

Stovall started out the night in typicall fashion (like all the other speakers)... just preaching an intesnse heart felt message.

See, "what some prefer as a private communion with God... Elevation Church  has gone high-def, big-screen and viral. It is not contemplative. It is not for everyone. But, Code Orange's style of performance-art worship offers a boldness and power that Weems, in his sermon, says the world sorely needs.

It's "God Swagger"... as he calls it. (I Love that BTW)

Hebrew 4:16 Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need..

Stovals main message was out of Genisis... 

The flood has already happened... now check this out

Genesis 8:6-12 And it came to pass at the end of forty days, that Noah opened the window of the ark which he had made: And he sent forth a raven, which went forth to and fro, until the waters were dried up from off the earth. Also he sent forth a dove from him, to see if the waters were abated from off the face of the ground; But the dove found no rest for the sole of her foot, and she returned unto him into the ark, for the waters were on the face of the whole earth: then he put forth his hand, and lay hold, and pulled her in unto him into the ark. And he stayed yet other seven days; and again he sent forth the dove out of the ark; And the dove came in to him in the evening; and, lo, in her mouth was an olive leaf pluckt off: so Noah knew that the waters were abated from off the earth. And he stayed yet other seven days; and sent forth the dove; which returned not again unto him any more.
Stovall also made it a point to read this:

Job 1:7-12 And the LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it. 

Right now, do not pay any attention to Job (for right now).... just read Genisis

I want you to understand.... Noah originally took two birds, a Raven and a Dove

What did the Raven do?  It went to and fro... it was just circling above... thats it.

Now, look at The Dove, she went out and came back to Noah... with no good news the first time. 

Notice the author says that the dove found no rest for its feet (that means that Noah had to make room for her).  It says he LAY HOLD and PULLED HER IN! 

The second time the Dove went out what did she have?  The Olive branch!  The universal sign for Jesus!

You ask what is the point... or what does that mean?

Check this out...

The Dove always comes back.... JESUS Always comes back!  You and you have to understand that unless Noah makes room for that Dove (Jesus) there is no place for it to come and land....  basically, Jesus can't just come into your life and land.

The author also says He LAY HOLD!  He grabed it... if you are seriously going to have that relationship you have to take hold and pull it in! Treasure it and make it work.... make sense?

Now look at that verse in Job... Notice what Satan says to God when asked where did you come from.... Satan says I move to and fro in the earth.
You see We all have those Ravens in our life... they are just waiting for us to doubt, waiting for us not to make room, moving to and fro... wispering to us... "Jesus doesn't care".

We have to
  • Make Room
  • Lay Hold
  • Pull In
It totally amazed me that the verbage when comparing those two stories is right now. 

Stovall explains to the crowd  The world thinks it needs a lot of things. What it needs is a revelation of the son of God, He said "this is the lay-hold moment." #CodeOrangeRevival is not going to stop when the rally nights end. It's going on for the entire year. IN CHARLOTTE. ALL OVER THE WORLD. AND IN YOUR LIVES!"

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Code Orange Revival Day 7

I am in absolute awe of what God is orchestrating in our generation through #Codeorangerevival.  I've been a Christian for 4 years and God is doing an unexplainable work in me, forming my faith, molding and shaping my trust in Him, Gods taking me somewhere and I am following with my eyes wide open!

When the music fades and all is striped away I will remain forever changed because of how God has touched me through #Codeorangerevival.  Thank you Elevation Church, I am truly grateful.

The night started out with Elevation Church doing spontaneous baptisms... my mom asked me "what, none of these people were baptized at birth?"  I tried to explain what baptism is but, in typical fashion... she said that was stupid and thought I was wrong... I really didn't argue as I love the fact that she actually watches this with me.  I think baptism is a pretty simple concept but, I just didn't want the night to be ruined so I just let her say her peace and tried to forget about it... I will be honest, it bothered me all night... I do want to say, I am very proud of her though, she has been trying to keep an open mind and I keep praying that she will be able to break down some of those walls... and get past the guilt of "tradition" that has been scrubbed into her.

I know that she may not understand Elevation Church, and she may not embrace it, I think that when she sees the work God is doing through me, she might just come all the way around (I'm not holding my breathe though).  With that said, I think this was a perfect sermon for her to hear!!

Day Seven (7) of #Codeorangerevival...  I’m was pretty stoked to hear Pastor Perry Noble from Newspring Church preach to a packed house!

If you’ve never heard Perry Noble speak before, he lived up... he’s hilarious, solid, and probably unlike any other preacher I have ever heard before.  He’s a guy I would call super legit!

If you haven’t seen anything that’s been going on at #Codeorangerevival this past week, God’s been doing some seriously awesome things! People have been tuning in from 6 continents, all 50 states, from over something like 50,000 devices (cell & Tablets), and lines have started forming at the main Blakeney location on both sides of the building as early as 9AM. It's seriously insane and I am loving every second of it.
Day 7:

Perry Noble  started the night out talking about those go to sermons preachers have stored away from events like #Codeorangerevival...  He called them "candy stick messages".  He talked about knowing the message of those sermons so well that you know when people are going to cry, when you’re going to get saved, when you’re going to laugh, and when you’re going to get anointed.  He said God put it on his heart to skip all three of his "go to" messages and preach a message that was specific to Elevation Church and Pastor Steven.

In Pastor Perry Nobles message he had four major points that supported one central message: "You Are Blessed"

Matthew 13:16-17 But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear. For I tell you the truth, many prophets and righteous men longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it.

Perry Noble talked for close to an hour, preaching on "You are blessed".  He made it a point to really talk about Elevation Church and how blessed we are!  He said:
  • You are blessed because of what you have seen.

Most people who have been going to church do not get to see what is going on at Elevation Church... They don't understand how our church is growing so fast, they don't understand how we are collecting so many young people.  It is seriously not normal... I am proud of this and will defend it at all costs!  Really what's going on is when people find out about Elevation and they are not part of the movement, they want to find every flaw and say that the people are crazy... Crazy...I say blessed!  Why not be crazy about church?  In a world where we can be crazy about basketball teams, football teams, idols, and things that really do not matter... why can't we be crazy about church!  The people that think we’re "crazy"just can’t see what we see! The one thing about God is, You don’t tell Him what He can’t do!  We are blessed because of what we have and are seeing 

  • You are blessed because of what your ears have heard.

Just as most people don't get to see what we get to see every Sunday, they also do not get the privilege to hear what our ears have heard.  There are people out there that attack Pastor Steven and have started rumors that Elevation Church doesn't preach the Gospel...  I cant tell you a time while in church that Pastor Steven isn't preaching out of a bible along with me having a bible to follow and highlight... A rumor is what a stupid person says when they don’t know the truth.  The stuff that we’ve heard over the past years in our church has been nothing short of remarkable!  I often time tell friends... "When every Sunday you feel like that sermon was written specifically for you to hear its something special".  Its why young people come in masses, its why the church has grown by 2,000 people a year for six straight years... It is because of the message, and the way in which it is delivered.  It is in these sermons that we have heard, they have been planted in our hearts and we share them.  Our ears have heard the word of God and you can not convince me otherwise.
  • You are blessed because of where you are.

Very simple, our house of God is on FIRE... blessed are you because of where you are.   Its not just Charlotte, its everywhere that Elevation Church is.  Through vision and values, Elevation Church preaches on salvation!  God has blessed our church with campus after campus... we are blessed because of where we are... IN CHURCH.   I hear all the time that Elevation Church has problems... well, if you find the perfect church, don’t join. You’ll screw the whole thing up! Are we the elevator that goes up? Are we the elevator that gets stuck? Or are we the elevator that just gets stuck and goes down?  There is no perfect Church... I know that.  I accept that... the minute you start thinking you have the perfect one you are in deep trouble!

  • You are blessed because of who you are!
Your life may not perfect, you may not be happy for who you are.  But, by God’s grace and mercy we are in God’s church.  God’s not through with you until you are dead... if you are breathing, he’s not done with you. Ask yourself, are you the kind of person that stays at the top, gets stuck, or the one that comes down.  Every one of you has the potential to do amazing things for Jesus.  The Cross is a promise to you, Jesus died for our sins, all you have to do is accept it!

As great as Perry Noble was, I think that day 7 may have been the weakest out of the group to this point.  Understand that in saying that... it was great!  But, they all cant be home runs.

I do want to mention that the end of the night was pretty amazing... Pastor Perry Noble was basically telling Steven that he is doing great... to "keep his fork in his hand" (that means the best is yet to come)...  it was awesome.

I loved that Pastor Steven showed humility and a lot of emotion at the close of the night.  Pastor Steven said "sometimes the battle wears you down so much that when the victories come you’re too tired to enjoy them. Let’s not get so weary from the battles that we don’t thank and praise God for the victories". I love that fact that we don't prop up our leaders to the point that they become idols... at the end of the day they are just men!

You are stronger, you are stronger. Sin is broken you, have saved me. It is written, Christ is risen. Jesus you are Lord of all!!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Code Orange Revival Day 6

Last night was night SIX(6), the half way point, of #CodeOrangeRevival. Israel Houghton was the guest... Israel is a five time grammy winner.  He just may be the best known American Christian singer and worship leader in the world.  He is known for his cross-cultural style of Christian music that fuses elements from gospel, jazz, and rock. Houghton is currently a worship leader at Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. 
Now... onto the night at hand.  I will not lie, I was not overly excited about a "concert" type event for one of the nights at #Codeorangerevival but, when I heard that people started lining up at 9:30 yesterday morning for this thing, I thought... maybe I should tune in.

I have dedicated Mac that serves as a media player on my TV so...  I watched the whole event Live in HD in Souround Sound!  I was able to view this with my uncle, brother, and dad (to be honest, I can't think of three other people I would rather have watched this with)... They were pretty much as floored as I was! Israels band "New Breed Music" played for over two hours. He and his band did not disappoint.

Its strange, that I went from almost skipping this night to... Holy Wow... Literally, this may have been the best nigth so far (don't you think I am going to think that every night?).

During the event, it seemed like almost all the things I had prayed about earlier in the day were front and center... God has some strange ways of showing us he is listening doesn't he!  I honestly had to wait this post until today because if I would have tried to type this up yesterday, I dont think I could have put it in paragraph form... so many thoughts were flooding my mind...  I have heard from so many people online and they have said the same thing!  Basically "I am just writing from my heart not my mind."

Really, last night was almost overwhelmingly... what an incredible night at Elevation Church.... Again Israel Houghton led an AMAZING worship that touched my very soul with his lyrics.

**Since there has not been a video posted yet, I am putting up the Hillsong Video (I think Elevations performance was better)

For me the best part was when “Jesus at the Center” was being sung, the Church and the chorus continued repeating “Jesus be the center of my life” and “Jesus be the center of my church"... that was when Pastor Steven called out to his church and guests... He preached a min sermon on Grace, Forgiveness, and The Cross.

It amazes me everytime I see people come to Christ and get saved... that stuff is emotional man!  It also makes all of my guilt and shame pour out... I just feel so humbled to know that even through all of my sin and disobedience to God, that He sent his son to be brutally murdered for me.  It is in The Cross that no matter how many times I fall, stumble, or fail, God forgives me. 

What a simple, powerful, awesome thing it is to know that all we have to do is let Him into our hearts and take the Grace he offers us!  It's because of Jesus that we are forgiven, we are wiped clean, and in all those sins that have run through our broken lives.... past, present, and future... we are forgiven...they are nothing, they are done... God knew we would not be able to do it and If  "Jesus is the Center" and we accpet him, God will see Jesus in us and all will be forgiven!  Amazing isnt it?

To know that in all our struggles in our past, in all the temptations that lay ahead of us in life.... its because of Jesus that we are forgiven! 

The last week has been so amazing (AND WE ARE ONLY AT THE HALF WAY POINT)

Now more than ever, I can proudly say "I know, for a fact, that I have Jesus Christ is on and by my side... and since he is on and by my side, anything is possible!"

Monday, January 16, 2012

Code Orange Revival Day 5

Day 5 of #CodeOrangeRevival was interesting to say the least. Ed Young was the guest of the night and he had a strong message of following and leading others to Christ. Leading in the sense that as Christians its our job to get our "ass's" in gear and bring/educate/and guide lost people to Christ.
Ed Young has a very cooky way of preaching and I can tell you that it probably isn't accepted by everyone out there... I think when he said "ass" during his sermon my P's almost fell off the couch. He also took a second to plug his book "Sexperiment"... the book is referring to the predominant message of our culture... that it is okay to have sex whenever, wherever, and however we want. He says that sex has become "just sex". But, while society has taken sex too far, the church hasn't taken it far enough (I AGREE). By the way, I am sure my parents thought this was crazy too... Sex talk in church. Young writes God wants us married couples to make love in marriage-with passion, with purpose, and with pleasure. He says marriages aren't experiencing all the benefits that come from a healthy sex life. He also goes on to say couples are facing a barrage of influences that keep them from connecting with each other regularly - the kids, the career, the house, the errands, etc.
"SEXPERIMENT" shows people that sex in marriage is more than just sex, and it's more than a chore. The Youngs believe it's time to get back to understanding the context of sex in marriage and it's time for couples to break down the barriers keeping them from a healthy sexual relationship. Couples ought to experience the benefits of having sex regularly, intentionally, and creatively.

Ed Young is the lead pastor and founder of Fellowship Church in Texas.  He has a passion for making the complex, simple as he speaks truth to people in ways they can understand and apply to their everyday lives

Recap of Day 5... The  Main Points!
  • Get ready to "Rescue" because people are drowning without the Lord.
  • God has thrown us a life ring and Jesus is the life ring.
  • We can all be rescued we just have to take it.
  • The radically rescued, rescue radically.
Matthew 28:19-20 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Imagine yourself in the middle of the ocean, drowning... with no life vest or "floatation ring".  That is you in your sin... that is you crying for help... that is you helpless. Seems pretty brutal right... pretty hopeless...  Now imagine yourself with a vest... with a "floating ring"... suddenly it doesn't seem that bad, especially when its being thrown to you by a guy on a boat with food and water.
You probably asking what is the point of that story right?  Well apply that to your belief in Jesus...
  • The ring is the thing (and Jesus is the Ring)
God has thrown you Jesus... all you have to do is take Him!  I don't think this is a confusing concept is it? Take the ring.... Accept Jesus!  In one simple choice you could be saved!
Now imagine that that ring that you were just thrown had a rope tied to it...
The hope is the rope. (God the Father is the rope)

When the church has the rope and everybody’s pulling the rope in the right direction, it is obviously going to be easier to bring that person in. We’re saved to share our rescue story.The ring is the thing. The hope is the rope.

Colossians 1:13 For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves
Now check this out...

Just as the scripture says its our job to Pull so the house will be full.

The ring is the thing, the hope is the rope, now pull so the house of God will be full.

If everybody is pulling the rope it makes saving much easier:)... Brining people in numbers and go out and tell people the good news... This what Matthew 28 is saying to do.

We are supposed to "Keep on Keeping on"....  We are not supposed to "play it safe" or be afraid to share our story... That means pull the rope!  That means pull people closer to God!

Ask yourself when Jesus played it safe or when did the disciples play it safe?

We all should understand that almost all rescues happen in the deep.
Know that the longer we’re with God the fewer friends we should have that are far from God.  There are two reasons for this. 
  • Either You are pulling friends closer to God
  • Your so called friends have no desire to be close to God (that will happen me)

Ed Young says "do what you love to do but, do it with more non-believers"... Share your story and do your job as a's about reaching others. Its about having God work through you to save others!
  • The ring is the thing, the hope is the rope, pull so the house God will be full. Fling the ring.
**In other words: preach the good news, bring those close to you, closer to God, and repeat!

Thanks for reading

Code Orange Revival Day 4

Now that I am a few days behind on this... I am going to try to play catch up here...

Day 4 of #CodeOrangeRevival was hosted by Christine Caine! She was one of the best speakers I have heard and her testimony alone was worth the viewing... Wow... Christine Caine's message was amazing and to cover it all will be a little difficult for me to do in a blog post (you seriously need to hear her and listen to her testimony). With that said, I'm going to give it a shot!

Christine Caine is a follower of Jesus who happens to be an Aussie wife and mom. She is one of the most passionate and energetic people I've ever heard preach! She teaches God's Word all over the globe and when I say "all over" that is exactly what I mean. In the course of one month, she may very literally be in four or five different countries to share the gospel.

Christine's message really stirred something in me! It was inspiring and convicting....

There were really two basic points in her message:
  • There is nothing that our God cannot do! 
I think that at times we all need reminding of that. I think we all need to remember that we need to have faith even when we don't understand what is going on, and that God is still good despite the valleys that we might be walking through. If our God is after our joy.. really...who can stop us? With Him all things are possible... and remember God is greater than anything that might get in our way!
  • God doesn’t believe in Expiration dates” 
There have been promises on your life, and at times they seem impossible... just remember God doesn’t believe in expiration dates.
 It is people who put "Due Dates" on things and that is why we think we have run into broken promises.

All of the promises of God are in Him. God cares about the details in your life. Ask yourself, "When was the last time you believed in God"... "When was the last time you trusted Him, with everything?"
  • What is impossible with man is possible for God!!
  • God is still the God that parts the Red Sea, That tears down walls, That makes a way!

Christine talked about the story of Abraham & Sarah (here is a quick history lesson for you guys)... Abraham and Sarah his wife were passed child bearing age but, God had promised them a son. They put a due date on this and Sarah told Abraham to take her handmaid, Hagar and sire a son by her, which Abraham did. The son so produced was named Ishmael (Islam Muslim Faith) but, he was not the promised Son. In time, Sarah did conceive and bear a son, Issac (Christian Faith), which was the promised son. Sarah became jealous of Hagar and asked Abraham to get rid of his and her son. Issac was to father Jacob and Jacob was to father twelve sons, some of these to were by handmaids. These twelve sons were the twelve patriarchs, siring the twelve tribes of Israel or the nation of Israel. However, Ishmael also sired twelve sons that became large tribes, these eventually became the enemy of Israel as Ishmael said he was the promised son. Look at what can happen by putting a "due date" onto a promise from God... The conceques of this one action are still affecting our world today. I dont know about you but, for me, that is some serious stuff.

  • Never shrink God down to your own experiences.
  • Don't confuse our due date with God’s appointed time.
Is anything to hard for God? God doesn’t see His things like we see things. His things are divine and eternal.

God promises are never expired, YOU are the one that puts expiration dates on the promise, God doesn’t see your promise as an expiration date... If what you’re seeing is all you see…believe that is there is a lot more to be seen.

She went onto talk about forgiveness and give her testimony which was so amazing... I was grasping at every word of it and it gave me a sense of appreciation, conviction, and REVIVAL!!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Code Orange Revival Day 3

Day 3 is going to be a bit longer than the posts I have done because of the message that Matt chose to preach on.  This was hard hitting stuff and I can wait to share it with you! I have included the whole video at the bottom because EVERYONE needs to hear... Wow Matt Chandler crushed this one!
Before I get into the message I want to frame this up really quick... as most of you know, I have been looking forward to Elevation Church’s #Codeorangerevival and made the commitment to myself to watch it in its entirety.   Being a weekly attendee of Elevation Church, I knew it wouldn't be to difficult to do since every service I have ever been to has been awesome! It has seriously been like everyone of these sermons that Pastor Steven is preaching have been specific for my ears so, I couldn’t wait to hear all the guest speakers they had lined up!

I want you guys to actually think about this really quickly... this didn’t hit me until last night... we have 12 days of “Revival”, plus 2 Sunday services… that’s basically 14 times I am attending church within a 12 day period. That is close to 3 and a half months of Church Service in just a week and a half… amazing when I think of it like this.

The point of that wasn’t to toot my own horn but, when I started to think about that it really hit me… It's Insane and I love it!

I have hosted all 3 (now 4) nights of #Codeorangerevival hoping to lean farther in, wanting, hoping, and praying to hear what God has to say through some powerful voices of our day and possibly bring my friends and family closer to God.... On day 3 Matt Chandler was the speaker.

Matt Chandler serves as lead pastor of The Village Church in Highland Village, TX. He describes his 7 year tenure at The Village as a re-planting effort where he was involved in changing the theological and philosophical culture of the congregation. The church has witnessed a tremendous response growing from 160 people to over 5,000 including two satellite campuses (Denton and Northway).  Prior to accepting the pastorate at The Village, Matt had a vibrant itinerant ministry for over ten years where he spoke to hundreds of thousands of people in America and abroad about the glory of God and beauty of Jesus.

Matt’s story and faith are unreal, his ministry and preaching anointed, and he gave me a real feeling of conviction.

When Pastor Matt was on stage, I tweeted several times about his service and I am still floored by his message… Wow... he was amazing, it left me speechless, and it totally blew me away

I think there main thing that Chandler wanted us to hear comes from Psalm 23

Read Psalm 23… If you read it wrong however, you’ll think that the point is that God is all about You, that’s 100% wrong:

The Lord is my Shepherd. I shall not want. I won’t be in want. The deepest needs of my want and my soul will be satisfied in my Shepherd. He MAKES me lie down in green pastures. You can lie down or be MADE to lie down. You will bow or you’ WILL bow. He leads me besides still waters. He brings us into peace. He restores my soul. And he leads me in paths of righteousness...

Sounds like he is REALLY INTO ME doesn't it... leading me besides still waters, paths of righteousness… but why?  Look at the motivation… Its for His names sake. His provision and love and passion about you – the motivation for this isn’t that YOU are great but, that HE IS GREAT. The motivation is His Name, His renown, His glory.

See, everything in our culture says you are valuable, its all about you...well I have bad's all about God.

Chandler also really hit home when he said God is here for your joy… notice He didn’t say HAPPINESS. Happiness can be taken from you in a second. Happiness is cheap and will not sustain you for the journey that God has for you. “I am after your joy, but sometimes getting to joy STINGS”.

Don’t live on a superficial plane because that will not sustain you.  If you live long enough you’ll bleed. You’ll experience loss. Your strength will fail you.

Non believers have this misconception... break the rules, do and don’t type of idea... like God is Santa.

Evangelicals misconception is that... God is all about US and ME...That creation is all about... God being lonely so He created ME… Me and Jesus are best friends type things. Bottom line is God is about God.

God’s motivation is always His glory, His name, His renown. All through the Scriptures, the works of God are expressed “for the glory of HIS name”.

Here are a few more highlights of Matt Chandlers message at #Codeorangerevival are shoe God is for God
  • Isaiah 43 God created us for His glory
  • Isaiah 49 God called Israel for His glory
  • 2 Samuel 7 God gave Israel victory, for his glory.
  • 1 Samuel 12 He does not throw his people away for the glory of His name
  • Ez 36 restored Israel from exile for the glory of his name
  • John 7:18 Jesus sought the glory of his father in all he did
  • Matt 5:16 and 1 Peter 2:12 do good works for the glory of his name
  • John 14 Jesus answers prayer so that God may be glorified
  • John 12 and John 17 Jesus endured his final hours of suffering for the glory of God.
  • Romans 3:25-26 God gave his son to vindicate the glory of his righteousness – does anyone have a problem that God forgave David WITHOUT Jesus, David was a adulterer and murderer. God is holy. How was David a man after God’s heart? he was a sinner! how is that possible, because Jesus vindicated ALL the forgiveness of ALL the people in OT and NT and now
  • John 16:14 the minister of the Holy Spirit is to glorify God
  • 1 Peter 4 serve in a way that will glorify him
  • 2 Thess 1 Jesus is coming again for the glory of god
  • John 17 Jesus ultimate aim for us is that we will see and enjoy his glory
  • Hab 2 the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of God
  • Romans 11 everything that happens will redound to the glory of God
  • Rev 21:23 the glory of God will replace the sun – when I make all things new, we wont need the sun anymore. Jesus will be the sun, warmth, light, growth, life… what the sun does I WILL DO
From genesis to revelation – the story of The Bible, God is for the glory of His name, He is reconciling and reclaiming all things to Himself. The Bible is not about YOU. The bible is about JESUS. 

Yes, it does have instructions but, its not the road map to life.

If you don’t get this, you’ll be reading it the wrong way. You’ll keep infusing yourself into the stories of the bible like you’re the hero.
  • You’re not David. You’re trouble in life is not goliath.
  • Jesus is the greater David, the greater Moses, the greater Abraham.
  • Jesus is the greater then.
  • Jesus is David, goliath is sin and death.
Ephesians 1:3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves. In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that he lavished on us. With all wisdom and understanding, he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ, to be put into effect when the times reach their fulfillment—to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ.

God tends to use people that it doesn’t make a lot of sense to use.  He chooses to make much of Himself through us. Because he loves us so much he saves us and transforms us and wounds us and heals us.

Why is it such good news that GOD IS FOR GOD over God being FOR YOU? His motivation is for the sake of His own name, not our own glory. Since God is for God and since God is ultimately about the praise of His glorious grace, God is not after my begrudging submission but, after my joy. God is ferociously about my joy, because the more I enjoy him the more His grace is gloried in. 

See God is not after me, like “I better do what he says or he’ll send me to hell.” God wants me to enjoy Him. That’s why He gives me the law. Chandler talked about The Law and The Pharisees.  He spoke about David delighted in the law, he sung about the law. Because God is for God and not our begrudging submission.

The commands of God are meant to lead us into greater life and greater joy and to line us up with how He designed things to work rather than for us to have it our way... which doesn’t work. God doesn’t suggest things, because he knows how things work, He does it because he created it… rest, money, marriage, sex etc. Greater life (John 10:10) is found in our obedience to how He wired the universe to work, rather than how we think the universe should work... we are own worse enemies, we are the problem, God’s law leads us into life. We are supposed to believe his law and His commands lead to greater joy and life.

Now we’re not going to keep that law perfectly... thats the implication of God being about God. If God is about God that means we are not the center of the universe... 

Almost all the conflict in our life is predicated upon the belief that the world is about me. Road rage = the world is about me. Marriage conflict = the world is about me. Work issues = the world is about me. The more the world is about you, the more angry and tired you will be, the more it is NOT about you, the more free you are. (this is right on point)

The Apostle Paul was an unfazed, untouchable man... though in prison, beaten, left for dead, and shipwrecked 3 times… Lord are you serious! Confident in Jesus... how is that possible? Because his righteousness was from Jesus.

Despite me, despite my continued failures, despite my foolish heart and shortcomings, God because of the imputed righteousness of Christ to me and his wrath absorbing death on the cross and his resurrection now sees me as perfect and spotless and holy, not because I am but, because HE IS.
That is why Ephesians 2 says that even the faith I had to believe in was given to me was given by God, it is a gift, so God so owns the glory, that everything is His, that is why no one should walk with a swagger or with a limp, because we are His. Don’t touch His glory... He guides us and shepherds us and leads us for His names sake. 

Our old man wants creation over the Creator – even in the church. Yes, God loves you but, God is ultimately after the praise of His glorious grace.

Trying to earn your righteousness will make your exhausted...We are all liars, thieves, adulterers, murderers. We are infinitely guilty but, Christ has made a way. Our hope is in Christ’s perfection. God is not in love with some future version of you, its not in the us of tomorrow that he loves or when we get our act together... if you believe that, you dismiss the cross of Christ.

The cross is a glaringly acknowledgement of our sin, that we fall short, that we’re not perfect (noone is except Jesus), that we’re screw ups. The cross says yes I know, I’ve made provision, I’ve handled that... There’s no sin in our past, present, or future that has more power than the cross of Jesus Christ. Christ absorbs God’s wrath on the cross, so serious was our transgressions that a price had to pay and the resurrection shows us that it was paid in full, that’s why Romans 8 says there is no condemnation for those in Christ.

God gives freely to those who will ask for it, who will humble themselves in repentance... There is no wound He cannot heal. The cross is the evidence that God knows. He knows our sinfulness. God responds when His people cry out for mercy.

Let us humble ourselves.

Love you guys,

Friday, January 13, 2012

Code Orange Revival Day 2

Last night was the second night of Elevation Church’s “#CodeOrangeRevival". Without question the theme was of God’s faithfulness to us.

As usual the night was packed with crazy lines and people were eager to get in! Standing room only at both locations:)

There was another phenomenal worship experience from Elevation Worship. It's so awesome that Elevation Church goes above and beyond anything I have seen with their band and stage show that leads into the actual sermon.

The speaker of the night was Pastor Jentezen Franklin, founder and lead pastor of Free Chapel. He started out stating that he decided to scrap his originally planned sermon to talk about God’s faithfulness. During last night sermon there is no question that the biggest take away from the message was “When one generation is faithful, it’s possible to store up mercy for the next generation."

He used his time to preach about the covenant David had with God... and talked about this faithfulness to him... He talked the linage from Solomon to Josiah and how after hundreds of years God stayed faithful. Pastor Franklin made the point you were created for God and His hand is on your life.
Just as David’s linage was blessed because of his covenant, he preached that when the head of the house is faithful to God the rest of the family usually is.... he called it, the prodigal’s advantage. “If you’re a child that has been raised in church you might get pulled away, but the prodigal always knows the way back home.” I believe that what we as parents do now is not just affecting the here and now. As you serve God you have to decide between storing up iniquity or mercy for your families. I believe we can affect our children for generations to come. Our lives can be stepping stones or stumbling blocks.

I thought this was fitting as all great things have small beginnings... weather its the start of a business, relationship, local church or a career...

Of coarse, Pastor Steven wrapped up the night with a few encouraging words and talked about how many people actually tuned in... One thing that caught my attention was that #Codeorangerevival was one of the top hash tag symbols used on Twitter over the last few nights. He went on to talk about how important it is to support your local church, finding a local church, and as always filling out prayer requests so that Elevation Church can pray for you. What an amazing night... looking forward to tonight's service!