Tuesday, November 30, 2010

65 goals for 2011 (Updated 12/7/2010)

I have started a yearlong mission… to accomplish 65 goals before 11:59 pm December 31, 2011

If you didnt see my last post please check it out... "A New Way to 2011"

I will be updating and tracking these so you guys can follow along! I will also be posting some pictures as well as my progress!

Green will indicate the goals I’ve completed!

Orange marks what I am in the process of completing!

So I give you my pledge:

"I, Robert Cundiff will complete the below goals in order to be a more successful, healthy, upbeat, person. The goals are all relevant to my life as well as my families... I will not stray… Lets GET IT DONE!"

New way to 2011...

For years I had created vision boards, pictures of miles stones and achievements to remind me of the goals I set for myself.  Until recently, I didn't know how impactful those were... but, I have come to the conclusion that those were ultimately the key to successes I had experienced in my life...  Unfortunately, I have gotten away from them and as "the proof is in the pudding" goes, I have not been nearly as successful recently as I was in the past.

Did you know that 99% of Americans do not have personal goals that last past the second week of January? That's sad seeing that the goals are usually set the first week. 

The evidence that goals work and work incredibly well is irrefutable.

I read a story today that said:  In 1953, Yale did a study on their graduating seniors. They polled all of them to see who would be interested in a goal setting seminar.  Three percent of the seniors signed up and set goals for the three major areas of their lives: business, relationships, and health. They not only had specific goals, but they also had to know why they wanted it.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Perfection and Excellence...

It's been a few since I have wrote anything but, this morning heard something that I thought was brilliant and could not wait to share it with you all.

There's a great quote that's been attributed to Brian Tracy, Jim Rohn and others: "Ready, Fire, Aim!" At some point in life, we have to say it's "good enough" and take action.

At some point, we have to settle for "excellence" and go for it! I'm not talking about being sloppy or settling for mediocrity, but in most cases, excellence is good enough. Particularly if we are willing to fix our mistakes, learn from them and seek constant improvement, excellence is good enough.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

iPhone improv... Really sweet video

I came across this video randomly messin around on youtube (what's new).  Anyway I thought you all might enjoy it!
